
Companies you trust, trust Continu

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Great companies, powerful stories

Trusted by millions of learners world-wide

The Continu team was a huge help in developing a long-term data flow plan, saving me countless hours, hundreds of hours of work.

Dana Whiteaker

Human Resources Program Manager, Upwork
This is one of the easiest platforms I have used, and I would recommend everyone to get Continu. And the support offered from the team has been really good.

Tatiana Duran

People Operations Manager, First Factory
In addition to the product itself, Continu comes with an aggressive development schedule, an incredibly strong roadmap, and an extremely high-touch, engaged support team.

Bradford Jordan

Director of Global Sales Enablement, Slack


Learner Engagement
72% industry average

Industry average 86%


Course Completion Rate
40% industry average

Industry average <40%


User Adoption Rate
79% industry average

Industry average 79%


Customer Service Rating

Industry average 84%

84% industry average

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