BlogLearning & Development

How Presentations Can Boost Training Engagement?

Continu Team
One Platform for All Learning
Learning & Development
September 11, 2024

Effective presentations enhance training by clearly conveying ideas and maintaining attention. Focus on coherent communication, optimal visual aids, and actively seeking feedback for improvement.

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In this day and age, it’s not only about what you are communicating but how you are communicating.

Let’s face it, even if you have the brightest of ideas, you will not be listened to if you can’t get your point across effectively.

In this article, we will delve into how to boost training engagement using presentations.

The Art of Keeping Interest

Big corporations hire almost 50% of people in the US. Every day, millions of people have to create new presentations in order to explain an idea or present their progress. Those presentations are then used for training purposes. But how to do it effectively? How to keep the trainees’ attention, while also getting your point across?

The Scientific Presenting study points to three challenges that tend to come up when drafting a presentation:

  • Engagement in learning: ensuring that trainees are engaged and retain what is important from a talk
  • Promoting equity: creating an environment that is inclusive of all members of the research field
  • Receiving feedback: gathering input from the professional community to improve as a researcher and presenting employee

So, how can you overcome this?

Communicate, Create, and Review

The three most important elements of every presentation are the way you communicate, how you use visual aids, and how you gain knowledge from feedback. During training, it’s essential to make your points across effectively, so creating a presentation that can aid you is a great way of optimizing your resources.

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Effective Communication

Let’s start with the communication aspect of your presentation. There are three main elements you need to keep in mind to become a good communicator. You need to be:

  • Coherent - make sure that you don’t overburden your listeners with too many details, stay on point, and keep your presentation brief, but informative;
  • Believable - be honest and without biases; present your evidence and resist getting too emotive when talking to your trainees;
  • Authoritative - stand up confidently, dress appropriately, and have a relaxed stance; your demeanor is key to making your presentation be heard;
A corporate trainer engaging with learners using presentations.

Create the Perfect Presentation

Next, you need to utilize your visual aids to the fullest. Make sure that your presentation is clear, informative, and well-put-together. You can follow the 5/5/5 rule to ensure that you capture the trainees’ attention. According to that concept, each slide has to have:

  • 5 words per line
  • 5 lines per slide
  • 5 slides in total

Of course, if you have a lot of information to convey, you can modify it to your needs, but it’s a good outline to follow. And, if you have trouble creating your presentation, don’t hesitate to seek out help online. Platforms like Publuu can create wonderful flipbooks for you so that you won’t need to stress out about technicalities and can focus on your presentation.

Review and Revise 

Always seek feedback! It’s a great way of developing. It can be hard to hear criticisms but keep an open mind. Everyone makes mistakes and learning from them is the best way of moving forward.

The Role of Interactive Presentation in Employee Training

Presentations are essential for successful employee training, onboarding, and customer training. Without a proper presentation through informative content, your employees will not be able to actually visualize the concept you are trying to teach them. 

It’s especially important in the corporate environment, as those presentations can later be used as a roadmap for problematic situations.

How to Communicate Effectively – Conclusion

It’s only an introduction, but if you follow these steps, you will become the master communicator in no time! Making your trainees more engaged is key to creating the best team possible.

Of course, there is a lot more to say about the power of presentations and communication, so make sure to check out other articles on our site to get better every day. Thanks for stopping by and we will see you in the next one!

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