Continu & Zoom
This powerful integration makes it possible for you to automate your attendance tracking, capture recordings, and leverage the powerful videoconferencing capabilities of Zoom, right within Continu.

Turn any Workshop into a Zoom Workshop
We’ve made it extremely easy to turn any of your Workshops into Virtual Zoom Workshops with one click of a button (really!). You’ll also have access to powerful Zoom features right within Continu, including:
- Adding alternative hosts to allow multiple Workshop facilitators
- Auto-capturing Zoom recordings to create a 360 learning journey for your learners
- Requiring sign-In to ensure your Workshops are secure and private
With Continu, we have been able to reduce new employee ramp time by over 50%"
Director of Education Services
Automate Your Attendance Tracking
With our deep integration with Zoom, you’ll no longer need to manually mark attendance for your training events.
Let Zoom track attendance of your Workshops and then rely on Continu to automate pre- and post-Workshop materials to your attendees. You’ll create a truly blended experience that your learners will love.
- Adding alternative hosts to allow multiple Workshop facilitators
- Auto-capturing Zoom recordings to create a 360 learning journey for your learners
- Requiring sign-In to ensure your Workshops are secure and private